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Tag Archives: Pharmacy Services


Ways Through Which Tetanus Occur and Its Interventions

Tetanus is a bacterial infection characterized by muscle spasms. Sometimes referred to as lockjaw, this condition needs urgent hospital care as it causes muscle contractions in the jaw and neck, which are detrimental when left untreated. This medical...

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Easy Ways to Remember Your Prescription

Some prescription medication require to be taken more than once a day. When you don’t take your medication as directed and according to the prescribed schedule, it can lead to adverse side effects or unwanted complications that may require medical ...

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What Is Medication Synchronization and Do You Need It?

Maintaining a prescription is essential yet difficult for many. It’s why our local pharmacy in Mesa, Arizona does its part in improving medication adherence. Today, we at Valley Discount Pharmacy would like to discuss one of them. For many peop...

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Some of the Lesser-Known Barriers to Poor Medication Adherence

Are you taking maintenance medication or completing your antibiotics? Chances are, you have experienced missing a few doses here and there. For most of us, these missed doses are due to simple forgetfulness or a matter of inconvenience such as not ha...

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Immunizations You Need to Update Annually

Valley Discount Pharmacy, your trusted local pharmacy in Mesa, Arizona, offers dependable stocks of high-quality vaccines that you can avail of at any time of the year. At our immunization program, we guarantee readily available, top-quality vaccinat...

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