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Keep yourself protected this flu season

The flu can be deadly. Every year, thousands of lives are lost due to complications from the flu. Per the Centers for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC), the flu has claimed 12,000 – 61,000 deaths annually since 2010.

Valley Discount Pharmacy offers flu vaccine/shots to make sure you are protected every flu season against the most common four influenza viruses.

So, What Can a Flu Shot Do?

Flu shots can prevent flu and its potentially serious complications. They can also reduce flu-related hospitalization and are particularly important for those who are carrying a higher risk.

Who Can Take Flu Shots?

Everyone at 6 months old and older should get influenza (flu) vaccine with scarce exceptions every year.

Groups and illnesses with higher risk for flu:

  • Adults age 65 years and older
  • Pregnant people
  • Young children
  • Asthma
  • Heart disease and stroke
  • Diabetes
  • HIV / AIDS
  • Cancer
  • Children with Neurologic Conditions
  • Chronic kidney disease
  • Racial and ethnic minority groups
  • People with disabilities

Know the specifics of the groups who are most vulnerable here:

We Are Your Partners in Health

This means that we do more than dispense your prescriptions; we also make sure that you know exactly everything you want to know about it.

Take charge of your health today, starting with your medication. Need to discuss something? Consult with one of our pharmacists here. You may also send us a message for your inquiries here.